Knitwear Workshop Designs: Duets and Inspirations

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In her second book devoted to the art of hand knitwear design, Shirley Paden gives us a pattern book for knitters of all skill levels. Showcasing designs by 16 budding and experienced designers along with the author herself, Knitwear Design Workshop: Duets and Inspirations, continues the creative journey started in the first book. Each designer “sings” a duet with Shirley, selecting one of her iconic patterns as their personal inspiration and taking it in a different direction to create a new and unique garment.

Celebrating 10 years!!

New Arrivals
Here’s Your FREE First Chapter of KDW
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Knitwear Design Workshop (“KDW”), I wanted to give you something to mark the start of your creative journey. So, pick up those needles and prepare to get your feet wet!
Chapter One of KDW, my first knitting reference book, guides you through The Thought Process of garment creation. In these pages, I’ll teach you how to create a design profile outline, draw a garment sketch, take accurate body measurements, and create different types of schematics. Trust me, once you’ve unleashed your inner knitwear designer, you’ll be ready to devour the rest of KDW.
This book walks you through my own 4-step Design Process. You’ll learn how to plan, profile, swatch, design, measure, knit and more. Imagine light as air lace for summer dates. What about an elegant coat to travel in style? KDW includes easy-to-follow worksheets, patterns and design inspiration for a variety of cardigans, sweaters, dresses and skirts.
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WOW! This is the book knitters interested in design have been waiting for. They say that this book is a comprehensive guide, and they aren’t kidding! It’s a textbook on how to design knitwear for hand-knitting and it goes into every detail. The only thing missing is the author standing over your shoulder observing your progress. Haley Waxberg, Owner Knit-o-matic yarn shop (Toronto Ontario)
“Time flies when you’re having fun!” Truly accurate words for describing my journey from the 2010 launch of my design reference book Knitwear Design Workshop (KDW) to the present. A few years ago when teaching my 6-week design class, I observed a sense of empowerment with each student as they journeyed through The Design Process and found their creative voice. The enthusiasm and excitement experienced during each class created an atmosphere where every student seemed to discover hidden depths of creativity.
There was a bonding and selfless sharing of knowledge as everyone created their individual designs while the class took the overall design journey together. Based on this rewarding classroom experience, the key endeavor of KDW was to extend the successes and empowerment of that original design class to the entire knitting public. It provides learners with a passage to the thrilling and rewarding world of knitting and design.